28/07/1864 - 21/10/1864

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Wednesday, July 27, 1864


Arrive Date

Thursday, October 20, 1864

Journey Notes

The Murray.-On Friday night a brilliant display of rockets annouced the Murray's arrival at the anchorage, after a passage of 77 days from Plymouth. On boarding her it was evident there was but little change in the ship or her complement of officers, who were spoken of in eulogistic terms by the passengers. Capt. Legoe, with his usual courtesy, had prepared for the press the requisite information, and from his report it appears the voyage has been unmarked by anything extraordinary, the most striking feature to break its monotony being a communication held with the Confederate States war steamer Florida on September 3, when in lat.4°26' N. long.23°45'. She was sighted early in the morning, and at 11 o'clock a boat was lowered and several officers visited the Murray, where they partook of British hospitality, and on some of the passengers boarding the steamer the compliment was returned by Commander Morrison. The vessels remained in company till the afternoon, when a strange sail being discried to the south-west she steamed towards her, leaving the passengers of the Murray very favourably impressed by the conduct of the American officers. Capt. Legoe left London on July 28, and Plymouth on August 5; crossed the Line on September 5, and the meridian of Greenwich on the 21st; made Kangaroo Island on October 21, and on Saturday morning was towed to the North Arm by the South Australian. Register 24/10/1864


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