20/07/1874 - 26/11/1874

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Sunday, July 19, 1874


Arrive Date

Wednesday, November 25, 1874

Journey Notes

The Dinopore has at last arrived, and her lengthy passage is accounted for by the fact that on the voyage the master found that her tanks of fresh water had leaked. This was discovered when the vessel had attained a high southern latitude, and was in a position to have made good passage by taking advantage of a strong west wind. The want of water being a serious matter obliged the master to steer for the Cape, and the detour caused her to be 30 days astern of the ordinary course. The Dinopore is a fine looking vessel, rather deep and weather worn, and when she hove in sight on Thursday there was a feeling of relief and pleasure. She had head winds down the Channel, and left the Lizard on August 1. The Bay of Biscay was crossed with light winds and heavy swell, but the north-east trades set in early, and, although light, permitted the ship to cross the Line on September 1 in 22ºW. The voyage proceeded satisfactorily until after the southerly trades, when the freshwater tanks were sounded and showed that the supply was quite insufficient for the passage of the Southern Ocean. In 33ºS.Lat.21º west longitude, it was deemed advisable to shape a course for the Cape. On hauling up to make the land the wind headed off, and several days were expended in a taut bowline while beating against extremely adverse gales. On October 9 she reached the Cape, and departed again on October 15. Then arose a fresh difficulty in making southing. The barque fell in with heavy westerly weather and cross-seas, the latter occasionally breaking on board in volumes. This continued till the passing of the meridian of Cape Leeuwin. By the heavy seas the headgear was carried away and the longboat stove, with some deckhouses and skylights. While the seas were playing mischief with the hull the hull the wind was working a counterblast aloft, and several sails were lost from the boltropes. When within 180 miles of Kangaroo Island the wind came from eastward, and baffled every attempt to make a winning course, so tack and tack was the order of the day almost to the finish. The master is experienced in colonial waters, though he has not before visited Adelaide. As soon as his barque was safely moored in the roads he landed to confer with his agents. The immigrants on board, judging from a superficial glance, are a superior class, most of them Germans, who will join their friends. There has been no sickness or death on board, but one birth. Dr.Duncan’s inspection was arranged to be carried out in the harbour, to which the craft was to be towed on Friday morning. The Dinopore is rather a smart-looking vessel, and under favourable circumstances would have made a good voyage. Register 27/11/1874.


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