30/09/1876 - 11/01/1877

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Friday, September 29, 1876


Arrive Date

Wednesday, January 10, 1877

Journey Notes

The Robert Lees was sight from the stations simultaneously with the John Rennie on Thursday morning, and having a brisk breeze from the south-west she was soon in a good position to be boarded. The vessel was at once kept away for a berth inside the Bell Buoy, were she awaited Dr.Duncan's visit of inspection, and in a few hours the immigrants were free land. Captain Rose reports leaving London on September 30, and a few days after he sailed at Plymouth, where she embarked 416 emigrants, and on October 7 was again at sea. The early part of the passage was marked by stormy south-west gales, continuing till past the Bay of Biscay, when less adverse winds set in. On October 21 he sighted the Canary Islands, and getting a light trade, a course was shaped inside the Cape Verds, and on the thirty-sixth day out, the vessel crossed the Equator on November 14 in 291/2° of west longitude. The trades were extremely light, so much so that her last day's work under their influence only reached 199 miles. On December 12 she was in the longitude of the Cape in 40° 26'S., and from there had a fine passage across the South Atlantic between the parallels of 42° and 43°. So fine was the weather that on no occasion did the sea break on board ever so little, and on Saturday last the ship was within a day's sail of the island, but had been retarded by head winds. She passed Cape Borda on Wednesday, and on Thursday morning was boarded at the Semaphore, but would not moor in the Stream before Sunday. Register 13/1/1877 With 404 government assisted migrants.


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