12/05/1848 - 02/09/1848

Ship Summary




Depart Date

Thursday, May 11, 1848


Arrive Date

Friday, September 1, 1848

Journey Notes

This fine colonial-built ship took her departure from Deptford on the 12th May, and sighted Kangaroo Island on Tuesday the 29th August, at four in the morning. Remarkably inauspicious weather retarded the arrival within our harbour precincts, and eventually obliged Captain Buckland to trust to his cables and anchor in Holdfast Bay. During the terrific gale on Friday night the twice parting of the small bower cable obliged the Captain to have recourse to a chain cable on board, on freight, which by the help of the emigrants was got up and happily rendered conducive to the safety of the ship, the best bower holding on in the meantime, and confirming the good repute of the "holding ground" at the anchorage. The circumstantial history of the bulk of the emigrants per Harpley, is worthy of a particular notice. With the exception of six families, those on board the Harpley had been employed in French lace manufactories in or near Calais, some of them having been there eight years since they left their native place, Nottingham. At the out-break of the French revolution the popular fury soon extended to the hitherto peaceful abodes of the refugees, and the cry of "a bàs les Anglois" (down with the English) would possibly have been followed by actual and violent expulsion but for the timely interference of the Consul, who besought the insurgents at least to respect the persons of the English workmen. At that time the number of English working for or dependant upon manufacturing employers in Calais and its environs was nothing short of a thousand souls; of whom some have gone to Sydney, a few more are coming hither, and a ship-load were to embark at Calais for Port Philip, a fortnight after the Harpley left. Register 6/9/1848.


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